All materials, publications, and resources of the National Association of Colleges and Employers, regardless of format, e.g., print, online, are copyrighted. Unless otherwise specified, you need permission to reprint, reuse, or adapt NACE content in whole or in part.

All requests must be made in writing to Mimi Collins. Please include the following information in your request:

  • Name
  • Title
  • Organization
  • Are you a current NACE member?
  • Title of the material you want to reuse.
  • Location where the material appears, e.g., name of publication, date, and page number; URL if online.
  • Where, when, and how will you use the material?
  • Is the material being used in a product, event, or platform that requires users to pay a fee? 
  • If you will charge, what is the fee?


NACE reserves the right to refuse any requests to reprint NACE materials for any reason. Please allow at least three business days for your request to be processed.