Lifted by average increases that ranged between 3.5% and 4.4%, salaries for all recruiting professionals increased in 2023, according to NACE’s 2024 Recruiting Compensation Report. (See Figure 1.)
Among recruiting professionals, the director of college recruiting has the highest median salary at $154,552, followed by the talent manager and college recruiting manager roles.
In addition to base salary, the majority of all positions reported receiving bonuses, with college recruiting directors and managers as well as talent managers most likely to earn a bonus.
In terms of benefits, key insurances—life, medical, dental, and vision—and matched 401(k)s were nearly universal. On the other hand, unlimited paid time off (PTO) is not common for recruiting professionals as just 11% of respondents indicated that their companies offered this benefit.
The 2024 Recruiting Compensation Report is an analysis of data collected through a survey conducted April 10 through May 17, 2024. The survey was distributed to 878 employer organizations that hold membership in NACE; 194 provided responses, for a 22.1% response rate. In addition, 41 nonmember organizations took part. The 2024 Recruiting Compensation Report & Dashboard provide the latest salary and benefits information for five core recruiting-related positions. The report also features current benchmark data for the recruiting budget; entry-level hire cohort; cycle time; offer, acceptance, and renege rates; and college graduate retention. Participants can access the report and dashboard through MyNACE. The report and dashboard are also available through the NACE store.

NACE Dashboard: Access and Analyze the 2024 Recruiting Compensation Survey Data
Survey participants have access to the full set of data from the survey through its dashboard in MyNACE. This is an invaluable way for your team to gain insight into trends and benchmark against other organizations in your industry, of your size, and more. For directions and tips on how to use a NACE research report dashboard, please see this YouTube video.