Effective Employer Online Outreach and Recruitment for Applicants With Disabilities
Employers are recruiting people with disabilities as a part of their workforce diversity efforts. A study on online outreach and recruitment for applicants with disabilities confirms that employers must consider not only career pages, but their overall online presence when recruiting applicants with disabilities. Learning Objectives: Increase your understanding of approaches to disability-inclusive messaging on Fortune 500 career webpages. Tailor messaging to encourage jobseekers with disabilities to apply and self-identify, and have a better understanding of how jobseekers with disabilities approach job searching online. Access a checklist of practical approaches to improve online outreach in support of increasing disability representation in your workforces.
University Relations & Recruiting
Developing, Supporting, and Recruiting a Diverse Workforce
Main Speaker:
Roxann Griffith, Office of Disability Employment Policy (ODEP), Department of Labor
Additional Speakers:
Susanne Bruyere, The Yang-Tan Institute on Employment & Disability, Cornell University ILR School Sarah von Schrader, The Yang-Tan Institute on Employment & Disability, Cornell University ILR School