CareerFest: Engaging Students and Employers


CareerFest: Engaging Students and Employers

  • Fee: $69 (member); $119 (nonmember);


Learn how a STEM-focused school in Michigan is transformed into a 30-day career carnival. CareerFEST is a month-long exploration program for students looking for career opportunities. Throughout CareerFEST, students and employers engage informally in an experiential learning environment. Participants of this webinar will learn how they can conduct their own: Automotive Day, Steel Day, Foundry Day, Energy Day, and much more using the resources available at their respective career centers. The result of CareerFEST has led to a positive career center culture because searching for a career becomes not a source of anxiety, but an experience filled with possibility and anticipation.

Following this program, you will be able to:

  • Assess the benefits of an interactive career search process;
  • Determine available assets to use when constructing your own engaging career focused events; and
  • Develop a marketing strategy that outlines the benefits of this program to students, employers, and academic department leaders.

Presenters: James Desrochers and Steve Patchin, Michigan Technological University

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