1. A student takes part in a virtual career fair.
    Best Practices for Virtual Career Fairs

    Career fairs are part of the lifeblood of career services programs—and important events for students and potential employers. Many career centers are thinking of moving their career fairs online in the fall.

  2. An internship on the job.
    Allowing Students to Use Jobs as Internships

    Can a current job also count as an internship? Several members of the NACE Community weigh in with their views.

  3. A young business professional uses social media.
    Social Media and Noncompete, Nonsolicitation Agreements

    The significantly increased use of social media has changed the way employers and courts have handled noncompete and nonsolicitation agreements.

  4. Three people in conversation
    Oregon Has Strict Policy for Employers Looking to Post Unpaid Internships

    Having a formal policy helps the team in the University of Oregon’s career center team with consistency when considering postings from employers seeking unpaid interns.