Welcome to Member Voices!

September 17, 2021 | By Tony Fioriglio

Ten people standing

TAGS: career development, member voices, network, personal devlopment, trends and predictions,

Welcome to the brand-new Member Voices. We are very excited to announce that our first member-submitted article will be published next week, on Tuesday, September 28 and a new article will be published every Tuesday moving forward!

As part of this transition, we have already moved several recent NACE blog submissions to the new Member Voices feed, which can be found here. This new feed will also be the home of new articles moving forward. Additionally, the NACE Blog archives won’t be going anywhere! They’re staying at their current location on the NACE Community, so anything that was written in the past will still be available moving forward.

We appreciate your patience as we near the finish line of this process; we believe the transition from the NACE Blog to Member Voices will be worth the wait! As always, any NACE member that would like to contribute to Member Voices in order to share your thoughts, insights, and experiences on topics such as professionalism, authenticity, diversity, the value of career services and recruiting, where the profession is headed, or anything else you think would be valuable to share with your peers, please reach out Tony Fioriglio to discuss your interest and learn more about how to contribute.

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