Early Careers Talent Strategy: How Organizations are Fairly and Efficiently Finding the Right Talent

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  • Date: Friday, November 3, 2023
  • Time: Noon – 1 p.m. ET
  • Location: Online
  • Fee: FREE (member); FREE (nonmember);
  • As the job market evolves and the need for a future-proof workforce becomes increasingly important, organizations are turning to early careers talent to power their talent strategy. In this webinar, we will delve into the crucial aspects of investing in graduates and how to maximize their potential and success. We will explore: · How to bring efficiency to your early careers strategy and prioritize time on campus with the right students · How assessing soft skills in the hiring process increases diversity and inclusion · Top graduate strengths and development areas based on recent data analysis Join us to discover why you should hire graduates and best practices on how to identify and develop the skills of recent graduates to ensure a successful strategy.

  • Summary

    With people and talent at the heart of the business agenda and jobs in a state of constant change, the value of an established, holistic, and data-driven talent acquisition strategy has never been more important.

    Economic instability has caused a shift in talent strategy – from bringing in the right talent for today, toward growing and developing talent for the future. Many companies are seeing their early careers talent as the foundation on which to build a workforce that they need for the future: a talent marketplace that feeds the pipeline of roles they will have to fill in the coming years.

    To be able to grow your own talent you need to start with a well-rounded view of early career applicants and their fit within the organization, their readiness for the role, and their potential for the longer term. It is imperative you gather the talent intelligence you need to make the right hiring decisions and build a development path for their future within your organization.

    Join this webinar to hear the Head of Campus Recruiting at General Mills, Elizabeth Diley, share how she designed and implemented their award-winning summer internship program. She will also share insights into General Mills’ strategy and latest innovations.

    Following this program, you will be able to:

    • Learn how to balance role readiness with future potential,
    • Discover top graduate strengths and development areas, mapped to NACE career competencies, and
    • Learn how to prioritize time at career fairs with the right students for your organization.
  • Career Level: Basic-, intermediate-, and advanced-level university relations and recruiting and business affiliate professionals


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