NACE, Other Higher Education Associations Call for Withdrawal of Executive Order Disrupting Workplace Diversity Training

NACE joined with the American Council on Education and more than 50 other higher education associations in the Washington Higher Education Secretariat (WHES) in calling on President Trump to withdraw Executive Order 13950, which was issued September 22, 2020.

The order affects diversity and inclusion training for federal contractors as well as those receiving federal grants, including colleges and universities. The October 8 letter notes that the “timing, content, and discordant tone of your Executive Order is creating concern, confusion, and uncertainty for federal contractors and grant recipients across the country” and that the order is disrupting the planning and delivery of workplace diversity and inclusion training programs at a time when “recent tragedies of racial violence underscore…the importance of vigorous efforts to address racism and injustice and to promote diversity and inclusion.”

Read the entire letter from WHES here

October 9, 2020